martes, 23 de febrero de 2021

Pablo Neruda y sus Libros en Isla Mujeres Q.. Roo

"Un libro,
un libro lleno
de contactos humanos,
de camisas,
un libro
sin soledad, con hombres
y herramientas,
un libro
es la victoria."
Pablo Neruda

"A book,
a full book
of human contacts,
of shirts,
a book
without loneliness, with men
and tools,
a book
it is victory. "
Pablo Neruda


martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

It's official


In the new book by GatesHow to Avoid a Climate Disaster, the co-founder of Microsoft Corp. recounts the story of how he went from being a divestment skeptic to eventually coming around to the idea. And his attempts to make good on that promise show how hard it can be to fully exit fossil fuel, especially for the very wealthy.

martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Isla Mujeres . Quintana Roo

No importa lo ocupado que piensas que estas, debes encontrar tiempo para leer, o entregarte a una ignorancia autoelegida.



No matter how busy you think you are, you must find time to read, or indulge in self-chosen ignorance.


gracias por todo padre

#islamujeres #librosporraul